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204-589-7724 (Office)
204-582-8385 (Schnitzelhaus)
Cultural Groups
The German Society of Winnipeg is made up of different Cultural Groups. To become an official Cultural Group (Untergruppe), please contact the office at or 204-589-7724
St. Hubertus – Game and Fish
St. Hubertus is a group of sportsmen affiliated with the Manitoba Wildlife Federation.
St. Hubertus is the German patron saint of wildlife and hunters!
This club manages a conservation area around Libau and is one of the driving forces in Manitoba for the conservation of our environment and wildlife.
Many Canadians are members of this club who practise the rich traditions of St Hubertus. If you are interested in the outdoors or support environmental conservation, you may want to join our group.
Please visit St Hubertus Game and Fish Association for more details

Mardi Gras – Der Treue Husar
Der Treue Husar is rich in traditions, the costumes and the medals. This is all preserved by the European Mardi Gras Group, also known as Karneval.
This group also has its own dancers who are internationally known and perform at a variety of functions in Canada.
Edelweiss Dancers
The Edelweiss Dancers are proud to promote the German culture through dance with anyone ages 5 and up with no previous dance experience necessary! Girls and boys are encouraged to join to dance at a variety of events throughout Winnipeg and Canada.
If you would like these dancers to perform at your function or need assistance to help with your cultural event, please contact us.
Brass Band
Love music and like to play an instrument? Consider playing with the The German Society Brass Band!
The band plays at numerous functions and different events throughout Manitoba, Ontario and Saskatchewan.
If you would like this band to perform at one of your functions, please send us your request.
You can visit the German Band Winnipeg for more details about this band and their schedule.
Wir sind ein gemischter Chor ( 4 Stimmig) und wollen Interessierte Personen zum singen einladen. Der Chor trifft sich jeden Mittwoch von 1:30 bis 3 Uhr. Unser repetoir spannt von Volksmusik bis zum Klassichen.
Der Deutsche Chor ist eine Untergruppe der Deutschen Vereinigung und besteht seit Februar 1958.
Wir sind auch dem Prairie Saengerbund angegliedert und dadurch haben wir 4 grosse Saengertreffen organisiert. Es kamen Choere von Manitoba, Saskatchewan u. Alberta alle 2 Jahre zusammen.
Unser jeztiger Chorleiter ist Christine Knackstedt u. Klavierbegleiter ist Michelle Barr.
We are a mixed choir (SATB) and would like to invite any interested person to come and join us in joyful song. Our practices are every Wednesday afternoon 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Our repetoir covers folksongs all the way to classical music ie. Opera Choruses.
The German Choir of Winnipeg is a subgroup of the German Society of Winnipeg and exists since 1958.
We are a member of the Prairie Saengerbund (helped found it) and because of this affiliation we hosted 4 of the Songfests. These songfests were attended by German choirs from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta and occurred every 2 years.
Our present conductor is Christine Knackstedt and the accompanist is Michelle Barr.